Saturday, May 16, 2020

Biology Ecology Of Life Lab - 1595 Words

0. Title Page Ecology of Life Lab Courtney Patton 3/16/16 - 4/1/16 1. Introduction: During this project, we tested if washing your hands multiple times would affect the bacteria growth on your hands. I think that the more you wash your hands, than there would be less bacteria growth each time. This experiment will help to show us just exactly how the bacteria on our hands if affected as we wash them. This way we will be able to see the bacteria better because a single bacteria would need a microscope to be visible to the human eye. Since I wiped my finger on the agar plate, the bacteria will grow fast and will start to form colonies of bacteria. After the bacteria forms colonies, you won’t need a microscope to be able to see the bacteria. This will show us how washing your hands can keep you from getting sick or spreading a sickness you already have. 2. Materials: Paper towels Soap Incubator Wax Pencil Agar Plate Parafilm Sealing Film Student Data Sheet 3. Procedure: Day One: With your partner, get an agar plate and wax pencil. On the bottom of the plate, draw a cross that separates the plate into fourths. Put A-D on each quarter of the cross and put your initials on the plate. One person will be the one getting their finger tested and the other will be assisting their partner. The partner in our group who was getting their finger tested went and touched a basketball before we did any type of testing. This partner thenShow MoreRelatedSex-Linked Traits Through Meiosis and How It Relates to Genetics.1609 Words   |  7 Pages|Principles of Biology | Copyright  © 2011, 2010, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course is designed to introduce biology at an entry level by examining the hierarchy that ranges from the fundamentals of cell biology to the physiology of organisms, and the interactions among those organisms in their environment. 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